
Second Operator Podcast

Hey Friends! Was recently interviewed on the fantastic Second Operator Podcast! If you want to learn more about me, game development and music creation, head on over to the YT channel and take a listen. Thanks for all the support!


Managing a Play Test

So I am ready to launch an Alpha build for one of game development projects. To my surprise, there really isnt a lot of information on this subject online. I was hoping to find, perhaps, a platform that will publish the alpha, provide private invites and keys, add some forms for community feedback, maybe even […]


isometric design

Isometric design is really a interesting process. It really is a play on color theory. For this little thing I used Hexels, which I picked up many years ago and highly recommend it. I put it down after only using it a couple of times, but I think I might revisit this software from time […]


Moving Platforms

Moving platforms vertically and horizontally in GMS2 can be tricky, but I feel it is a definitely must-have item if you are designing a platformer title. Below is my process for creating moving jump-thru platforms. The Parent Since we are going to have vertical/horizontal platforms, I usually create a parent/child system to organize them better […]


SNES Chrome Theme

I put together a small theme for Google Chrome. Nothing really major, lol, but I was tired of seeing my browser look the same for so long. I visited the chrome store, found some ‘ok’ themes. Some of the google published themes, were pretty alright in terms of color choices. Still, they didn’t have anything […]


Lofi OP1 Sample Pack

I put together a free sample pack! Featuring full drum kit, vinyl static, couple of chords and some bass lines. Its a simple pack, but it definitely provides you with a the basic foundation for a decent jam. Download from and watch a quick performance video below. Thanks! much love <3


Synth Pop Album Art

Recently worked on putting together some album art and a short promo animation for a friend. Johnnybgood is a super talented electropop artist/producer making fun retro game inspired tunes on a Teenage Engineering OP-1. He spends most of his time making music for other artists as a producer and is often a guest musician for […]


iCUE RGB Profile

Spent more time than I would like to admit on adjusting the rgb lights on the keyboard to a color palette inspired by Winter. It features a light minty color, a soft salmon/pinkish and the numpad is a plum purple. Yes, its dorky, yes I am a geek. Use the profile for some winter inspiration, […]


Top Unity Assets 2019

Hey all! I’ve recently jumped into Unity development and in my noob search I have found a couple must have scripts/assets that are can be real helpful if you are just starting. Dialog System EZ – Camera Shake Cinemachine Camera System Brackeys 2D Player Controller Unity 2D Player Controller Tutorial Photoshop Layer-To-PNG Script Most of […]


Diagonal Movement

I often get asked about how I manage top down movement with diagonal ‘math’ ? in Gamemaker? I think I have a pretty simple fix that seems to work real nice, and is real easy to implement. I use this technique in all my top-down projects. Below is the most basic setup for our Player […]