
isometric design

Isometric design is really a interesting process. It really is a play on color theory. For this little thing I used Hexels, which I picked up many years ago and highly recommend it. I put it down after only using it a couple of times, but I think I might revisit this software from time […]


Moving Platforms

Moving platforms vertically and horizontally in GMS2 can be tricky, but I feel it is a definitely must-have item if you are designing a platformer title. Below is my process for creating moving jump-thru platforms. The Parent Since we are going to have vertical/horizontal platforms, I usually create a parent/child system to organize them better […]


Top Unity Assets 2019

Hey all! I’ve recently jumped into Unity development and in my noob search I have found a couple must have scripts/assets that are can be real helpful if you are just starting. Dialog System EZ – Camera Shake Cinemachine Camera System Brackeys 2D Player Controller Unity 2D Player Controller Tutorial Photoshop Layer-To-PNG Script Most of […]


Diagonal Movement

I often get asked about how I manage top down movement with diagonal ‘math’ ? in Gamemaker? I think I have a pretty simple fix that seems to work real nice, and is real easy to implement. I use this technique in all my top-down projects. Below is the most basic setup for our Player […]


Pixel Art Stream

Spent some time streaming some pixel art concept drawing/pixeling/sketching wall designs. I’m terrible at environmental art so this is the process I have to go through lol. (also, some pretty good chillhop music)


Free Tileset

After spending some time learning and practicing how to make useful textures for tilesets I decided to collect the ‘sketches’ or the progress that I had made while exploring the process, and give it away. It’s not the best tileset, lol, and it definitely may not be my best work but I’m hoping it may […]